GymKidz classes are designed to develop physical agility,
improve co-ordination, strength, flexibility and balance, as well as enhancing social skills, all in a fun and safe environment.
GymKidz was established in 2009 and has over 16 years experience running classes at local schools in the London Borough of Sutton and surrounding areas.
GymKidz has rapidly expanded over the years, catering for both boys & girls of all ages and abilities.
Even if your child has never tried gymnastics before,
GymKidz is a great place to start!
We believe that the benefits of participation in sport and exercise for young people has immense value.
Gymnastic participation teaches children the qualities of hard work, concentration, sportsmanship and dedication.
Our aim is to increase the rate of gymnastics participation within schools by coaching lessons either as part of the National Curriculum or as an Extra-Curricular activity.
We give every child the opportunity to compete in Inter school competitions, displays and assemblies.
Each school club is set up with the aim of providing a stepping-stone from school gymnastics to club gymnastics for the more able gymnasts.
Extra-curricular classes are offered before school, lunchtimes or after school depending on which school your child attends.
Start time: 7.45am
Gymnastics and exercise in general is a great way to start your child's day.
It can improve concentrations and is great for their brain as well as body
Start time: Lunchtime
We offer sessions that take place during your child's lunch break.
All gymnasts train then have lunch together as a team
Start time: dependant on school
Extra-curricular activities are a great way to enhance your child’s learning and development in a safe, fun, healthy and inclusive environment.
Gymnastics as part of the curriculum help nurture positive attitudes & talents.
It is vital that all children have an active start in life, PE is a great place to start!
Show off your talents in whole school assemblies & displays.
Perform at Summer and Christmas fairs.
Have the chance to compete for your school in local competitions.